Dr Henry Writes About PPS and the Toddler Mystique
Dr Henry Writes About PPS and the Toddler Mystique
This data reveals that almost one-third of the entire group had acute polio under age 3. Retrievable
memory of a stressful event under age three would be most unlikely, although not impossible.
memory of a stressful event under age three would be most unlikely, although not impossible.
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redistribution of any articles via any media, with the exception of the aforementioned, requires permission from The Lincolnshire Post-Polio Network and where applicable, the original author(s).
Henry Holland, “Dr Henry Writes About PPS and the Toddler Mystique,” PSN Library, accessed February 4, 2025, https://poliosurvivorsnetwork.org.uk/library/items/show/76.